How to change default settings in microsoft word 2010
How to change default settings in microsoft word 2010

how to change default settings in microsoft word 2010

If the fix does not work, there is a link listed on that page for contacting Microsoft Technical Support. Follow this link to the article, then click the Microsoft Fix It button. The fix changes the spacing back to the Word 2003 default. I found a fix in the Microsoft Knowledge Base files for the paragraph spacing issue in Word 2007. Microsoft Technical Support Fix for Word 2007 Paragraph Spacing The “x” just would not stay in the “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style” box, no matter how or in what order I checked the default box. I tried the original solution several times, but I could not make it work either. Your workaround solved the problem I was having with the extra space added after paragraphs. Click Default to save the change to your default Microsoft Word template.CAUTION: You have to decide if this is the best solution for your situation…this may cause a ripple effect if you have other paragraph styles based on this particular style. It is a clunky way to do it, but this may work for you:Right above where you select Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style, set the Before and After Spacing to 0pt. I’ll post my findings here.In the meantime, here is a workaround. I’ll need to do some research on the Microsoft Knowledge Base to see if I can find some answers. Yes, I was able to recreate your problem. Is this possible? I have to go in and check that every time I open a new document. I checked “don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style”, but it will not save that setting. I followed these instructions to change the default paragraph formatting. Please add to the discussion using the comment box at the end of the page.) (These comments are from a previous commenting system. Once the new style is saved, every paragraph that is marked with that style is changed to the new settings. Make the desired paragraph formatting changes, then click OK.(Note: this option may not be available for the default Normal paragraph style.) In the Styles list, highlight the style name, then click the down arrow.On the Home tab in the Styles group, open the Styles window by clicking the launcher.Place the cursor in the paragraph you want to change.To change paragraph formatting for an already existing document, you have to change the paragraph style, then apply it to the whole document. Change paragraph formatting for an existing document I like to set my default template to contain the paragraph formatting I use for most documents, then change the style in individual documents, if needed. Just remember that the default template styles can be overridden when creating new styles for a particular document. Note: changing the default template does not change styles for previously created documents. Those changes become the default setting for all new documents based on that template until you change them again. When you click the Default button, all settings in the Paragraph dialog box are saved to the Normal.dotm template, which is the default template in Word 2007. Change the paragraph indentation and line spacing settings as desired.On the Home tab in the Paragraph group, click the launcher to open the Paragraph dialog box.To save changes to the default Word 2007 template, follow these steps: Change paragraph formatting for the default template

#How to change default settings in microsoft word 2010 how to

Changing the template does not change already existing documents, so instructions for how to apply the paragraph formatting to all paragraphs in a document you already created are included. Although you will be able to change the typeface in the current document, the next time you create a new blank document, the font will automatically be set to Calibri.To make your paragraph formatting changes permanent and available for any file, you need to save the change to the Normal.dotm template. Note that you cannot change the default font if you are using Word Online.

how to change default settings in microsoft word 2010

If you only want to change the typeface in the open document, follow the same instructions but choose the “This document only” option in step 5.

how to change default settings in microsoft word 2010

The default font will now be changed in the open document and any future blank documents you create. Click “OK” to save the changes and close the Font dialog box.In the dialog box that appears, choose the “All documents based on the Normal template” option.In the Font dialog box, select your preferred typeface and any other settings you want to change (e.g., font size).

how to change default settings in microsoft word 2010

  • Right-click somewhere in the document and choose “Font”.
  • If it is not your preferred default font, you can change it.Ĭhanging the default typeface in Word 2010 and later versions is easy: This is convenient only if Calibri is the font you want to use. When you create a new blank document in Microsoft Word, the application automatically sets the typeface to Calibri.

    How to change default settings in microsoft word 2010